The Truth About Seniors Funeral  Insurance

The Truth About Seniors Funeral Insurance

In Western culture, conversations about death and dying are often avoided, leading to a lack of preparedness for the inevitable end-of-life decisions. This cultural reluctance to discuss mortality can result in significant financial implications for families, especially when it comes to covering funeral costs, and considering available options can provide peace of mind and financial security.

This cultural reluctance stems from a variety of factors, including fear of the unknown, emotional discomfort, and societal norms that prioritise youth and vitality. However, avoiding these conversations can have significant financial implications, especially for those left behind.

Whether it’s preparing for accidental death cover, dealing with accidental serious injury, or understanding insurance as you get older, addressing topics like funeral insurance and pre-paid funerals proactively can alleviate the financial burden on loved ones and ensure that final wishes are respected.

Importance of Autonomy in End-of-Life Decisions for Senior

Having some degree of autonomy over decisions at the end of life is crucial, as this period can often feel like a time when personal power and control are slipping away. Deciding how to prepare for this time, such as choosing between funeral insurance and a pre-paid funeral plan allows individuals to assert their preferences and ensure their wishes are respected. This not only provides peace of mind for the individual but also alleviates the burden on family members, who might otherwise struggle with making these decisions during a time of grief. By planning ahead and making informed choices, individuals can maintain a sense of control and dignity, ensuring that their final journey reflects their values and desires.

How much does a funeral cost?

Did you know the average cost of a funeral is around $9,500? This can obviously vary depending on the choices made around end-of-life decisions which can be many and varied.

Funeral Cover: for the People that Matter Most

End-of-life decisions, including planning, can be deeply personal and require thoughtful consideration. Here are some key aspects people often consider.

  • Burial vs. Cremation: Choosing between traditional burial or cremation is a significant decision. Factors such as religious beliefs, environmental concerns, cost, and personal preferences can influence this choice.
  • Service Options: Deciding on the type of service—whether traditional, memorial, celebration of life, or something unique. Consider the location, format, and who will officiate.
  • Legal and Financial Matters: Ensure legal documents like wills and advance directives are in place. Consider pre-arranging or pre-paying for funeral services to lessen the burden on loved ones.
  • Personalisation: Many people want their funeral to reflect their life and personality. This can include choosing music, readings, decorations, and even personalised urns or caskets.
  • Communicating Wishes: It's crucial to communicate your wishes to family members or trusted individuals who may need to make decisions on your behalf.
  • Cultural and Religious Considerations: If applicable, ensure that cultural or religious customs are respected and incorporated into the funeral plans.
  • Aftercare and Memorialisation: Decide on how you want to be remembered. This could include options like scattering ashes, creating a memorial garden, or holding onto cremation ashes in memorial urns.

Navigating these decisions can be emotional and challenging but planning ahead can provide peace of mind and ensure your wishes are honoured. This article explores two options for covering the inevitable costs involved

How to cover the cost of a funeral

When planning for end-of-life expenses, two common options emerge: funeral insurance and pre-paid funerals. While both aim to alleviate the financial burden on your loved ones when you die, they operate quite differently. Understanding the distinctions between these two options can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences

What is Funeral Insurance?

Funeral insurance, also known as burial insurance or final expense insurance, is a type of life insurance policy specifically designed to provide funeral cover and burial costs.

Here’s how it works:

1. Premium Payments

You pay regular premiums (monthly or annually) to the insurance company. The premium amount depends on your age, health, and the cover amount you choose.

2. Coverage

Upon your death, a lump sum payment is made to your nominated beneficiary. This payout can be used to cover funeral expenses, debts, or other costs.

3. Flexibility

The beneficiary can use the payout for any purpose, not just funeral expenses, providing flexibility in managing end-of-life costs.

What is a Pre-Paid Funeral?

A pre-paid funeral involves paying in advance for your funeral services.

Here’s how it operates:

1. Pre-Payment

You pay for your services ahead of time, either in a lump sum or through a payment plan. This payment is usually made directly to a funeral home or a pre-paid funeral plan provider

2. Locking in Prices

By pre-paying, you lock in the cost of the funeral at today's prices, protecting against future price increases

3. Specific Arrangements

You can specify the details of your funeral, including the type of service, casket, burial or cremation, and other arrangements. This ensures that your wishes are followed.

4. Trust or Insurance Policy

The funds you pay are typically held in a trust or insurance policy until needed, ensuring they are available to cover the funeral costs

Compare Australian Funeral Insurance and Pre-Paid Funerals

1. Payment Structure

Funeral Insurance: Involves ongoing premium payments. If you stop paying premiums, coverage may lapse

Pre-Paid Funeral: Requires a one-time payment or a set number of instalments. Once paid in full, no further payments are required.

2. Cost Management:

Funeral Insurance: Premiums can add up over time, and you might end up paying more than the actual cost of the funeral if you live a long time.

Pre-Paid Funeral: Locks in current prices, potentially saving money if costs rise in the future.

3. Usage of Funds:

Funeral Insurance: The beneficiary has the flexibility to use the payout for any purpose, not just funeral expenses.

Pre-Paid Funeral: Funds are specifically allocated for funeral services and arrangements.

4. Control and Customisation:

Funeral Insurance: Provides financial coverage but does not typically include specific arrangements or planning details.

Pre-Paid Funeral: Allows you to make detailed plans and ensure your specific wishes are carried out.

5. Risk of Overpayment:

Funeral Insurance: There’s a risk of overpayment if you pay premiums for many years.

Pre-Paid Funeral: Once paid, there are no additional costs, and you avoid the risk of rising prices.

6. Flexibility:

Funeral Insurance: Offers flexibility in terms of how the funds are used by the beneficiary.

Pre-Paid Funeral: Provides peace of mind that your exact funeral wishes and details are taken care of, but funds are restricted to funeral-related expenses.

The Pros and Cons of Funeral Insurance


  • Flexibility: Beneficiaries can use the payout for any purpose.
  • No Price Locking: Coverage amount can increase with additional premiums.
  • Ease of Setup: Typically, easier and quicker to set up compared to pre-paid plans.


  • Potential Overpayment: Long-term premium payments can exceed the cost of the funeral.
  • Premiums Can Increase: Some policies may have increasing premiums.
  • Coverage Lapses: Missing premium payments can result in loss of coverage.

Pros and Cons of Pre-Paid Funeral


  • Price Protection: Locks in current prices, avoiding future cost increases. 
  • Peace of Mind: Ensures specific wishes are followed.
  • One-Time Payment: Once fully paid, no further financial outlay is required


  • Lack of Flexibility: Funds are restricted to funeral expenses.
  • Complex Setup: Setting up a pre-paid plan can be more complex and time consuming.
  • Provider Reliability: Dependence on the funeral home or provider’s long-term reliability.

What’s the difference between funeral insurance, funeral plans, and funeral bonds?

The right insurance solution for you depends on your personal preferences, financial situation, and priorities

Here are some questions to consider:

1. Budget: Can you afford ongoing premium payments, or would a one-time payment be more manageable?

2. Flexibility: Do you want your family to have the flexibility to use the funds as needed, or do you prefer to have specific arrangements in place?

3. Control: How important is it to you to control the details of your funeral?

4. Cost Management: Are you concerned about rising funeral costs, and do you want to lock in current prices?

Who should consider funeral insurance?

When considering this form of insurance in Australia, it is essential to understand the various funeral cover options available to you, especially as you get older. In the first 12 months of your policy, some insurance companies offer a cooling off period, allowing you to reconsider your decision. Whether you choose a pre-paid plan or traditional insurance, knowing the levels of cover and potential for bonus cover can help you make an informed choice.

Many insurance policies provide a lump sum payout to help pay for your funeral and other final expenses when you pass away. This lump sum can cover a wide range of costs, including the fees of a funeral director and funeral service expenses.

Seniors Funeral insurance for over 80 year olds

Seniors funeral insurance often includes additional benefits and can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Life insurance policies may also offer coverage that can be used towards funeral costs, following the life insurance code of practice. It is crucial to compare funeral insurance options, get a quote, and take the time to understand the different funeral insurance companies and what they offer.

Pre-paid funeral plans can lock in today’s prices, helping to manage the cost of funeral insurance and providing peace of mind. Understanding the overall insurance category and how insurance with funeral services works can help ensure that your final wishes are met without placing a financial burden on your loved ones.

By choosing the right insurance or pre-payment options for your circumstances, you can cover your final expenses and ensure that the type of funeral you desire is carried out. Funeral insurance in Australia offer various levels of cover to help pay for funeral costs, providing financial security for your family during a difficult time.

Protect Your Family with Peace of Mind

Both pre-paid funerals and funeral cover provides valuable benefits for managing end-of-life expenses, but they cater to different needs and preferences. By carefully considering the differences and assessing your priorities, you can choose the option that provides the greatest peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Planning ahead is a thoughtful way to ensure that your final wishes are honoured, and your loved ones are not burdened with financial stress during a difficult time. Whether you choose funeral insurance or a pre-paid funeral, taking these steps now can provide invaluable peace of mind.

Funeral Insurance FAQs

The following questions frequently come up when considering this form of insurance. We have included some reliable sources to help you in your research and encourage you to start the conversation.

How does funeral insurance work?

Funeral insurance provides a lump sum to pay for funeral expenses when the insured person passes away. You pay regular premiums, and the insurance company pays out the agreed amount upon death.

Is funeral insurance tax-deductible?

No, funeral insurance premiums are generally not tax-deductible.

Can I buy funeral insurance for my parents?

Yes, you can buy insurance for your parents, but they may need to provide consent and meet the eligibility criteria.

What is ‘Accidental Death’?

‘Accidental Death’ refers to a death resulting from an accident rather than natural causes or illness.

If I Cancel my Funeral Insurance policy, will I get a refund?

Usually, you will not get a refund if you cancel your policy.

Can Life Insurance cover funeral costs?

Yes, life insurance can cover funeral costs, but it may take longer to receive the payout compared to funeral insurance.

What does funeral insurance cover?

Funeral insurance typically covers costs related to the funeral service, burial or cremation, and other associated expenses.

What information will I need to get a funeral insurance quote?

You’ll need basic personal information, details about your health, and information on the type of cover you want.

How you can use a funeral insurance Benefit or Lump Sum?

The benefit can be used to cover funeral costs, pay off debts, or support family members financially.

I’m healthy, so why would I need this insurance?

Even healthy individuals can benefit from insurance to ensure their family is not burdened with funeral expenses in the future.

Isn’t cover like this expensive?

Funeral insurance can be affordable, but it depends on factors like age, health, and the level of cover.

Will my premium increase?

Premiums may increase over time, depending on the policy terms and the insurer.

Can I end up paying more in premiums than my family will receive for my funeral insurance benefit?

Yes, it’s possible to pay more in premiums over the years than the insurance benefit if you live for a long time.

What documents do I need to provide?

You may need to provide personal identification, medical records, and proof of relationship for the insured.

What is a certified copy?

A certified copy is a photocopy of an original document that has been verified as a true copy by an authorised person.

What is a beneficiary?

A beneficiary is a person or entity designated to receive the insurance payout upon the insured’s death.

Are funeral plans safe?

Funeral plans are generally safe if provided by a reputable insurer. It’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully.

What is the maximum age for funeral insurance eligibility?

The maximum age varies by insurer but is often between 75 and 85 years.

Are there any must-have policy features for seniors?

For seniors, important features might include guaranteed acceptance, no premium increases, and the option to cap premiums to prevent overpayment.

For more information and to explore your options, consider visiting:


Please note this article is intended to provide general information only and does not constitute financial advice. The contents are general, should not be relied upon, and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should, before you make any decision regarding any information, strategies or products mentioned on this website, consult your own financial advisor to consider whether that is appropriate having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs.


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About the Author

Alison Facer is a registered counsellor in Australia, an active member of ACA and PACFA and she holds a Bachelor of Counselling degree. Her unique and authentic approach to grief and loss has helped many clients begin to build a life alongside their loss, by creating meaning and celebrating a loved one's life and passions in a real and meaningful way. She can be contacted by email